Currently, Links Mafiia is paying on the 1th of every month. Withdraw button will get enabled on the 1th of every month then You can click on it for withdrawing your earnings and you will get your earnings till 10th to 14th of every month.
we never delay our payments but still if you did any mistake while entering your payment details then it can delay the process. It's your responsibility to add the correct payment details. If every detail you provided will be right then there will be no delay in payments. Before clicking on withdraw, please fill the payment details here perfectly
Our System is so strict we only allow valid views/clicks.
Using 2 Shorteners
- Using other shortner in our shortner and ours in other shortner is strictly prohibited.
Adult Links:
- Any Kind of adult links, links that download Pornographic content will be banned directly and we will cancel your payment.
Self Clicks(VPN/Proxy)
- Doing Self Clicks using VPNs / Proxy will result in the termination of your account without payment.
Faucet/PTC Traffic
Bot Traffic
-Sending bot traffic is not allowed
If we found anyone using these types of invalid methods then we will not give any payment and will ban you forever from Links Mafiia
By using this site's services you agree to.
Exchange rates per $ to ₹
The exchange rates are the average rate for the entire current month, it will not be according to real-time.
1) Click must be unique - Unique visitor in 24 hrs
2) Click should be completed Correctly, Done.
3) Valid Clicks will take Only 5 Minutes to Add to your dashboard with Earnings,
Links Mafiia is known for counting views perfectly, We don't do any scam in counting views but you have to agree with our all policies.
For any kind of issue please drop a mail at - (typically it will take 2-3 hours to respond)