Publisher Rates

Links Mafiia is Made in India site so we give a bonus to our India Publisher

the Publisher Rate for Indians is = 40$ / 10,000


The CPM given below is starting CPM if you start getting more views then it will be increased

Our CPM system is unique it is different for every Publisher if you get more views in less time then CPM will be higher for you.

Country Earnings per 1000 Views
Canada $6.00
Australia $6.00
United States $6.00
Germany $6.00
United Kingdom $5.00
Switzerland $4.00
South Africa $4.00
Singapore $4.00
Bangladesh $3.00
Sri Lanka $3.00
Worldwide Deal(All Countries) $3.00
Thailand $3.00
Norway $3.00
Nepal $3.00
Pakistan $2.00
Country Earnings per 1000 Views
United States $2.00
United Kingdom $2.00
Canada $1.60
Worldwide Deal(All Countries) $0.40